Gordon Woodhull
softs, etc.

Dynagraph for Windows

Visit the official Dynagraph for Windows web site at http://dynagraph.org/dgwin.

Dynagraph for Windows – dgwin – is a fully OLE-compatible graph editor. This means you can paste Word, Excel, and Visio content into the graph as nodes, and you can also embed Dynagraph into any program which supports OLE. It has a completely open architecture which allows you to customize any aspect of its behavior, from file formats supported, to the visual layout, to what happens when the user presses the mouse button or presses a key.

Of course this also means that dgwin is ideal for adding a dynamic graph interface to Visual Basic or Internet Explorer-based applications.

Despising the Microsoft Foundation Classes, I wrote dgwin from scratch using the Active Template Library. dgwin consists of four main libraries: comdg wraps Dynagraph in COM; Montage provides the application framework to implement OLE; the Group library provides the persistence model; and finally, dgm provides the glue so that the Dynagraph layout and the Montage OLE canvas can communicate.

Binaries and source are available from dynagraph.org.

Dynagraph for Windows is licensed under the Common Public License.